Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Skate Section 4

another skate section i did. Edited to Autorelocator by At The Drive-In.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Couple of old skating clips

just a couple of clips of me skating way back in 2002 on chesterton mini ramp in cambridge, i beleive its very different now, but i havn't been there since. first trick is a Body Varial Rock:

second trick is a Fakie Axel Body Varial


Skate Section 3

a skate section i edited for mine and my bro's skate video. includes skaters and bmxers that ride and skate at bar hill skate park. here's the video enjoy:

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Clips of me skating

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hey, heres some clips of my skatebaording, use video egg for your video blogging! so easy!

it rocks!

anyway enjoy the vid, i have a lame stack at the end!


what is love?

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click here to upgrade to Flash 8

nothing to do with skateboaridng, just testing videoegg

Monday, February 06, 2006


Cambourne 2004

Hey people, heres a picture of me doing a boardslide along and down the square rail at cambourne skatepark in 2004. it was a nice day, the park had only just been built, i should probably go there again soon. the rail was my favourite bit of the park, shame theres no mini.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Awesome skate video

hey, just been searching on google video
(an great site that you should all check out) and i found this brilliant video of skateboarding, it seems like its all the sick tricks from all the sick videos edited into one awesomely sick video ha ha.. erm and its editied rather well, only downside is the music.. dma franz ferdinand, but meeh.. play your own music over it, enjoy:

Click Here to watch


New skateboarding blog!

heeey.. this is my new blog, it will feature everything about skate videos, my skate videos i make, my skateboarding, my friend's skateboarding etc etc.. links to videos, pictures, links to other skateboarding sites. so if you like skatebaording.. you'll love this blog.

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